Wednesday, January 21, 2009

God's Sovereignty, Barack Obama's Inaguration, and Roe vs. Wade Part 2

What is the connection between God’s use of the Chaldeans (Babylon) and the one-day-old historic presidency of Barack Obama?

Many of the policies Obama supports are not only wicked but also the judgment of God on America. Today completes the 35th year of rampant abortion in America. Though I don’t claim to know when America started it’s downward spiral into blatant immorality I can say that it is becoming a vivid picture of Romans 1:18-32.

This is an interesting week. Martin Luther King Day reminded us of where this nation has been in regards to ethnic relations. Slavery used to be the most visible illustration of our nation’s need for repentance. Tuesday marked a historic day as the 1st African American President was sworn in to office. Tomorrow marks the 36th anniversary of a decision that would bring about the new visible illustration of our nation’s need for repentance. Not only does abortion exist because racism exists but it also feeds our love for money, sex, and unbridled freedom to do whatever we please.

If there was ever a reason to pray for our country it is because we “dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips” (Isaiah 6:5) and in light of God’s justice we know that He would be right to humble us by whatever means.

We cannot presume God's favor because of good things that have been done in the past. God used the wicked Chaldeans and later brought utter destruction to them. He has done it many many times since then.

1 comment:

JRL said...


Great post. Very well thought out. Continue to use this to glorify the Maker. As Pastor Warren said yesterday "And may we never forget that one day, all nations - and all people - will stand accountable before You (God). We need repentance.

Grace upon grace,