Thursday, January 22, 2009

The ABC's of the Bible- Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. A very good explanation of His person and work is provided in Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary. The following is a helpful excerpt:
[The Holy Spirit] exercises the power of the Father and the Son in creation and redemption. [He] is the power by which believers come to Christ and see with new eyes of faith…Like the eyes of the body through which we see physical things, He is seldom in focus to be seen directly because He is the one through whom all else is seen in a new light. This explains why the relationship of the Father and the Son is more prominent in the gospels, because it is through the eyes of the Holy Spirit that the Father–Son relationship is viewed.

...The person and ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Gospels is confirmed by His work in the early church. The baptism with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5) is the pouring out of the Spirit’s power in missions and evangelism (Acts 1:8). This prophecy of Jesus (and of Joel 2:28–32) begins on Pentecost (Acts 2:1–18). Many of those who hear of the finished work of God in Jesus’ death and resurrection (Acts 2:32–38) repent of their sins. In this act of repentance, they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38), becoming witnesses of God’s grace through the Spirit.
Grace and Peace,

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