Friday, July 11, 2008

Lewis Black on Larry King Live

Larry King- "Do you accept Darwin?"

Lewis Black- "Yeah, I accept Darwin. But I'm willing to give up Darwin if...the Creationists give up the concept of seven days. If they will stop believing the earth was created in seven days I'll stop believing in evolution and we as a country can move on."

Watching this interview makes me wonder how people like Lewis Black can function in society. As funny as he is he must be a fool if he is willing to give up truth on the condition that others make the same compromise. This quote shows the absurdity of a post modern culture.

More important than that is the thought of Creationists giving up the concept of the seven day creation. Unwillingness to accept Genesis 1 is never the end of the problem for Old Earth Creationists. Once you start to say that seven days doesn't really mean seven days you open the door to a million other problems. By definition you have to say that death entered the world before the fall of Adam if you accept evolution. You will have no problem saying that the flood was local rather than universal. As soon as you are willing to give up Genesis 1 you put yourself on a path that most likely ends in liberal Christianity at best.

If you believe in the Bible you have to be willing to accept the things that appear foolish to the world as well as the nice little sayings. If that means people call you "that guy who believes Jonah was really swallowed by a big fish" so be it. Because if you can trust the God of Genesis 1 you can trust the God of John 3:16.

Grace and Peace,

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