Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Birthday Known Before the Foundation Of The World

In honor of John Calvin's 499th birthday the following is a fictional (and sarcastic) interview.

Interviewer: "Mr Calvin, 4 centuries from now what would you most like to be known for?"

Calvin: "Well, let's see. I pride myself in knowing a great deal about the Scriptures and yet God is so wise and unsearchable that I still have more to learn. I think I would like people to be able to say that I led them to know Christ more fully and see grace for what it truly is...But most of all I hope they attach my name to predestination."

Interviewer: "Surely your theological works will be embraced by all of Christendom during that time."

Here is a post on the Desiring God blog on Calvin's exhaustive preaching on the whole Bible (not just election).


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