Thursday, July 16, 2009

Unconditional Election Part 8

VIII. John 10:24-30.

Three weeks ago we saw Luke attributing the belief of the Gentiles to their election. Two weeks ago we saw Paul announcing that the Thessalonians election was worked out in their faith. Today we will see Jesus telling some Jews why they don’t believe in him.

In John 10 Jesus is causing quite a stir. The chapter begins with Jesus comparing himself to a door and a shepherd and presenting his death as one for a particular group (For more on this see my series on Limited Atonement). This made some Jews think he was insane and others think he might be much more. So in John 10:24 they approach him.

The Jews basically say to Jesus “for crying out loud either say you are the Messiah or get to the mental institution!” Instead of answering them directly Jesus says “I told you and you do not believe” (10:25). He continues to explain that he has proven himself as divine by the many signs he has performed. So why don’t they believe? Jesus tells them, “you do not believe because you are not part of my flock” (10:26). Word order is important. It is not that they are not part of his flock because they do not believe, rather, they don’t believe because they are not of the flock.

Consider what Jesus has already said in the chapter about his flock:

• They know him and hear his voice (v3- 4, 14, 16).
• They do not follow but run from those who are not the shepherd (v5, 8).
• They will be saved (v9).
• They will have abundant life (v10).
• Jesus lays his life down and takes it up again for them (v11, 17-18).

Here we see Jesus telling people that they do not believe because they are not of this flock. Belief is a common term in John for the initial faith that is unto salvation. Therefore we see another passage teaching salvation as an outworking of God's unconditional decree in election.

Grace and Peace,

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