Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Limited Atonement Remix Part 1

Over several posts, I want to revisit a series posted mid last year. It was titled "A Case For Limited Atonement." I have worked to clean up the posts and refine my arguments. So if you're thinking that this will be like watching reruns you're wrong...it's more like when Disney releases their movies from the "vault" and improves the quality of the picture. So let's get started.

I. Where Does the Debate Exist?

There is a difference between where a debate should exist and where it really does exist. Historically, it seems clear that almost anytime there is a debate on this subject it focuses on the recipients of Christ’s death. However, the reason I say this shouldn’t be the center of the debate is because it forces us to dive into the shallow water of a deep ocean of biblical truth. It’s not that there shouldn’t be any attention on the subject of those for whom the atonement was made; the problem is that there is little work given toward a biblical definition of the atonement. I would like to suggest that the debate should focus on the nature of the atonement first before it is about the extent of the atonement.

Feel free to comment or e-mail me questions, disagreements or improvements.

1 comment:

Crowm said...

Still here and reading from time to time. I look forward to the series.
