Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Too Young To Stand Up For Themselves

"If the darkness of child-killing is to be overcome with the light of truth and compassion, it will require spiritual warfarem fought with humble and persistent prayer (Ephesians 6:10-20)." -Randy Alcorn (Why Pro-Life? Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers, 120)

Please take some time to pray for the cause of the unborn today. I was just reading a post on Justin Taylor's blog on the Freedom of Choice Act of which Barack Obama said that signing would be "[t]he first thing I'll do as President..." My first thought is that if the horrors of slavery were enough to stir up a war in this country (and I believe slavery is a just cause for war) how much more zealous should we be about a child's right to life? I am not in favor of, nor do I condone in any way, the violent crimes some pro-lifers resort to. However, I'm not so sure that this is less of an important issue than the ones we see in history that caused major decisions.

What am I suggesting? Prayer, and thoughful consideration. I'm not a political pundit nor do I play one on TV (like Bill Maher) so I am simply throwing out ideas that I have heard suggested and asking for passionate prayer.


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