Monday, August 18, 2008

How is Christ Unique?

My pastor opened church yesterday morning by quoting Shai Linne.

"Why do we worship? Because:

Elvis is dead, Picasso is dead

Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin are dead

Marilyn Monroe is dead

Brando is dead, James Brown is dead

Princess Di and John Lennon are dead

Biggie and Pac are dead

Plato is dead, Socrates is dead

Aristotle and Immanuel Kant are dead

Neitzsche and Darwin are dead

Buddha is dead, Mohammed is dead

Ghandi and Haile Selassie are dead

Elijah Mohammed is dead

Nero is dead, Constantine is dead

Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun are dead

Alexander the Great is dead

Napoleon is dead, Lao Tzu is dead

Che Guevara and Henry VIII are dead

Saddam Hussein is dead

Pharaoh is dead, Cyrus is dead

Darius and Sennacharib are dead

Nebuchadnezzar is dead

Caesar is dead, Herod is dead

Annas, Caiaphas and Judas are dead

Pontius Pilate is dead- however

Jesus is Alive!"

My pastor is so cool...of course he will die eventually too. So will Shai Linne.

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