Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's About the Gospel

"...just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned..." (Romans 5:12)
It is no surprise how well received brave men like Ben Stein have become recently in the pop-Christian subculture. His 2008 documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed exposed a clear bias (to use a week term) in secular science.

There is no question that the immediate ripple effect of this movie is a new bold resurgence in what is often called the intelligent design movement. I wonder, however, just how good this movement is for Christians.

In a Christian sub-culture that has whole-heartedly embraced such creative spoofs as the "Abreadcrumb & Fish" t-shirts and beauty pageant runner up who has the same view of so-called "homosexual marriage" as the President, it appears as if Christians are making a bad decision once again. In other words, I know that we expect Jesus to simply touch every thing cool and relevant in the world (through the best marketing majors the church has to offer) and make it all cool AND holy (like testamints) but, in this case especially, it seems as if we are just taking a gospel destroying idea and saying "you're right about everything except we think God is the cause of evolution." It really is no wonder people like Hitchens and Dawkins don't take us seriously.

So what is the point I am making? I think the verse at the beginning of this post and the argument in which it sits (Romans 5) says more than I can to this subject. If you believe that death existed before the Fall of Genesis 3 (regardless of the approach you take) you either have the wrong gospel or your gospel and your creation accounts are inconsistant.

I'm glad that Ben Stein has stepped up against the forces of secular science. I hope that God will save him and those who have been emboldened by this movement will stay faithful to the clear teaching of Scripture; even Genesis 1-2.

Grace and Peace,

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