Thursday, May 14, 2009

The ABC's of the Bible-Yahweh

YHWH — the Hebrew name of the God of Israel, probably originally pronounced Yahweh. Eventually the Jews gave up pronouncing it, considering the name too holy for human lips. Instead they said Adonai or “Lord.” This oral tradition came to be reflected in the written Greek translation of the Old Testament as kurios or “Lord,” and it is often so quoted in the New Testament (Mark 1:3; Rom. 4:8). English versions of the Old Testament also tend to translate this word as “LORD.” There is also a shorter form, YAH (Ps. 68:4; Is. 12:2; 26:4; 38:11). In Exodus 3:14–16 YHWH is linked with the verb hayah, “to be,” probably referring to the presence of God with His people (Ex. 3:12). (Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Dictionary).

Grace and Peace,

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