Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Let's Get Interactive- Joe Biden on the Beginning of Life

This is not a political post. Look for the post-modernism in Senator Biden's comments. Is it more ethical to stand up for what you claim to believe or to stand up for immorality in the name of "choice"?


P.S. Sorry for the graphics that come up near the end of the video.


JRL said...

Is that really Joe Biden? I mean I believe that was Joe Biden but I am not going to force what I believe, as a seeing American, on others. If we can prove to everyone that was Joe Biden then we all might agree. Does that make sense?

Stephen B. said...

Even beyond the post-modern bent to Senator Biden's comments is just an absurd rational. It doesn't matter how strongly other people believe in something, if you have a conviction (especially when it comes to an ethical issue) you are paid by the people to vote accordingly. More than that, since when do we care what people of different sets of beliefs think on issues of life? An Islamic terrorist probably believes in their god stronger than Biden believes in the Christian God and yet we aren't going to accept their view of the life of an American.